St Marys Church, Kiddlington, Oxford
St Andrews Church in Kilmarnock, Scotland, reached out to the church heating specialists for us to take a look at their two existing boilers, and demonstrate how we could improve the heat output, reduce running costs, and provide a more user friendly system control.
Our specialist church heating engineers made a site visit, and found that one boiler was used to feed the main worship area, which was heated by 4” cast iron pipes running around the side walls, and the trench area. The second boiler was located in the hall area and was powering a number of smaller rooms and large sports hall. Due to rising numbers of hall users, the church wanted more storage space, so was delighted when we suggested the installation of a twin boiler system in the existing Crypt area, and still heat any of the two areas separately.
The old boilers were removed and replaced with two new Ideal Evo max boilers on new extended flue pipes through the flat roof area. We added controls, including a dosing pot function for chemical input, a filter to keep the system clean, and a plate to plate heat exchanger to separate the heating pipes were also installed. This meant that church members no longer had to go down into the crypt to control there new heating, as it can now all be done from the church vestry with the aide of wireless controls.
Church warden Alexander -“Great bunch of guys and fantastic job completed”