Damien Bradbury
Company Founder
Damien Bradbury is the founder of the country’s leading church heating specialist company, who started his time as a young Apprentice at Drugasar ltd. Drugasar ltd is a Dutch commercial heating company that completed church heating systems up and down the country with their own heaters. Drugasar then moved on to installing various heating system such as boiler upgrades and different types of systems.
From there, a young Damien Bradbury gained his experience through tirelessly working on various different types of church heating systems. Damien went to college as part of his apprentice training, and stood out from the other students early on, which was quickly noticed by the collage staff. The collage tutor entered Damien into an ‘outstanding apprentice’ award for the Northwest, in which he came out on top and was entered into the ‘national apprentice’ award.
Candidates’s work was submitted along with entry exams to test their knowledge and ability, and Damien finished 3rd in the national apprentice awards and completed his full apprentice a full 18 month ahead of any other student. Damien then went on to self enrole in other qualifications such as, LPG, oil, commercial testing and installs, and renewable energy, knowing that one day all this would benefit his career.
Damien decided to leave the Drugasar business to work for himself, as he believed he could run and install better systems than those being specified by existing companies. Damien wanted to provide churches with detailed reports and how not always replacing the full heating systems is the best solution. Making simple changes to church heating systems could make a big savings.
Since setting up The Church Heating Specialist, Damien now has been able to help churches save money and help them survive a little longer for the next generation of people.