100 of these special cushions will be provided to the churches for 3 months as part of a trial to see how effective they are at keeping worshippers warm. They work by incorporating a special re-heatable pad which lasts over an hour and a half, and can be re-used over 1000 times. The pads were originally designed for use in out door sporting events to keep fans warm, but with a little creative thinking, there application can be used elsewhere.
If successful, the scheme will be rolled out across Devon, and perhaps even further. These kind of measures are only a temporary solution, and we recommend any church suffering from heating problems should also look into long term solutions.
If your having problems with your church heating system, and its past the point of a heated cushion, then we would be more than happy to help, so please call 0161 211 6955 and we’ll assist you in any way we can
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