Winter isn’t just home to cold crispy nights, dark evenings and lots of hot chocolates!

Unfortunately too many churches and chapels, it is actually one of the hardest financial times due to a spiked increase in demand for heating and a result of higher monthly expenses that can often be avoided.

We frequently address the different implementations you can add to your church to help reduce bills however we don’t always cover the negative side effects of avoiding the ideal upgrades such as the obvious, increased monthly bills!

Here are a few pointers, facts and information to help you gain a further understanding of improving your church’s setup.

Why is winter more expensive?

It can be fairly self-explanatory when you work out the factors to why you need heating. Simply to keep your guests warm during times where the weather is too cold.

Your church may be subject to increased levels of cold weather from poor insulation, old buildings and an ineffective heating system.

With the cold breeze filling your church or chappel and the increased demand due to more visitors. The winter months require an extensive amount of heating provided by your system. If this system is outdated it may be one of the most ineffective and costly features of your setup. Improving your heating system could be the first big step in lowering costs via a far more effective and maintained cycle of heating.

Outdated heating systems result in costly bills

Many times, we see churches with increased bills, home to old outdated systems, from underfloor, chandelier heating, boilers, radiators and technology.

You can see through our services the vast amount of upgrade capabilities available to help your church tackle the winter in a far more effective manner, from wireless heating to state of the art duel boilers and radiators.

Speaking to a member of our UK leading team can in fact result in a plan to help lower your bills and implement new upgrades with a completely ZERO interest payment plan in place!

Church maintenance

When the cold weather gusts its way into the church, you need to make sure all the steps possible are covered in protecting your building, this can vary from heating, pipes & water. The frozen Christmas weather can easily worm its way into causing damage, freezing pipes, causing floods and making an uncomfortably cold environment.

  1. Heating: Church heating is an essential step to any season in a church, with reasons to keep your church warm and methods on how to do this, you will have to ensure you keep the church at a constant warm temperature to protect from overcooling, uncomfortable guests and many hidden issues that may creep in.
  2. Pipes: ensuring your pipes are fit for action, safe to use and will stand the cold weather is an essential step to endure the cold winter weather.
  3. Water: Having a fresh water supply is inevitable and no matter where you are it should be accessible, keeping the water running through the pipes could prevent freezing along as the other precautionary measures are in place. The water supply could be used for boiling heating in result help warm and protect your church.

Take a look at the features of improvement that the team here at Church heating specialists can offer to help.